Under the Surface of Fitness



In an industry filled with hidden agendas and forcing their methods, “Under The Surface” has the intention of taking you to the reality of fitness.  Going underneath what the fitness world wants you to see.  

The harsh reality is most people in the industry only want you to admire the tip of the iceberg. But there is a whole world underneath the water that I want you to see. 

The goal of this blog is to bridge the knowledge gap between trainer and client by giving you access to information that isn’t common knowledge, and clarifying fact from fiction.  

This won’t be a “hot take” fitness blog, or one that is simply for clicks or advertising.  I’m not selling a product, method or belief system. I’m not pushing an agenda or telling you right versus wrong.  

The reality is fitness has so many layers, and the people who oversimplify it either lack the knowledge or only show small parts to keep you ill-informed and dependent on their expertise. 

​It took me so long to see the complexity of fitness and training.  And that journey hasn’t stopped, as what I know now may also not be true years from now. This is coming from someone with a college degree in Health and Fitness, and an individual who has been around professional training in some capacity since 2008.  Since then so much information has come out, and the “truth” has changed year after year. 

You want to know the “truth”?

The truth is there will never be one method, one workout, or one way of doing things that will maximize everyone’s potential.  

What works for Sherry, won’t work for Veronica. And what works for you now, won’t work for you forever. Everything has an expiration date. I want to make sure you get information that isn’t expired. When one part of the ice breaks off, there’s a fresh new layer peeking through. There are practices that are old-fashioned that still apply to today. Regardless of your sex, build or body type you’ll find something very valuable to you and can be easily self-applied.

So what’s the big deal? Why is all this “information” so valuable? Because: 

​The knowledge gap between client and trainer is the most financially lucrative aspect of the industry.  

Their goal is to make you reliant on their knowledge, without the ability to come up with your own beliefs or ideas.  I think that’s ridiculous.  Let me explain.  

Most of the time the clients blindly trust their trainers based on their certificates, price level, or experience level.  The trainers know that and in return will give you information with no evidence, or explanation knowing you’ll do it regardless. It keeps you coming back, and keeps money in their pocket. 

We all need to make a living. But making that living off the ignorance of the people that are coming to you for guidance? Hell no. 

I would rather my client have a fully informed conversation so I can give them exactly what they’re looking for and they can realistically reach their goals. I want us to speak the same language, so we can communicate more efficiently, and I can give you a plan that’s best for you.

​Bridging that gap is the main goal of this blog, of my career.  I’m not going to expect you to know what I know, so its my responsibility to put it in terms that you can understand and apply…otherwise how can either of us be successful? 

The concepts in fitness can be simple or complex. Regardless, my job is to make sure you know them so you can adapt them to yourself. The guy on Tiktok, benching 280 and telling you that low carb is the only way to look like him is not the person you want to be mimicking. Why? Because you’re not him, and your fitness doesn’t look like anyone else’s fitness. 

Another key aspect of this blog is giving you quality over quantity, and explaining why certain practices are quality rather than just stating supposed facts with no context. I’m not interested in selling or advertising in a black and white manner. That disservices me, and you.

The reality is if you want to get the best out of your fitness journey, you’re going to have to put the IMAX 3D goggles on with me and see fitness for what it is. Fitness, like people, is not simple. There are many different shapes, sizes, colors, and angles, but it’s not rocket science either. I want to open you up to all the aspects of fitness, rather than shape your mind into a singular tunnel focus. 

That “one size fits all” mindset creates a lack of truth, and with it a lack of results. Why can’t we have results through honesty?

​The final goal of this blog is to go beyond what is expected of me. Implementing this method into my work keeps me on a path to continue to educate myself beyond what I already know, and make it accessible for you.

I can’t reiterate this enough, but this blog is not for me or to sell myself. This blog is for you, and for giving you what you deserve, which is the reality of fitness.  We will go over many different topics ranging from workout methods, how to structure workouts, when to push yourself hard and when to take it easy.

There’s value in even the deepest, coldest ice under the surface. 

Everything fitness will be covered on this blog. Some of the posts may be controversial or may make you question what you think you know. Good. I hope it does. Some concepts may be hard to understand or might be shocking. Some of you may completely disagree with me, and I’m ok with that.  

Let’s expand our understanding of fitness overall, and make sure no stone is unturned.  The longer I’ve done this the more I’ve realized the value in every stone. The more we decide to be picky on what aspects of training or fitness we choose, the lower our ceiling is for our physical potential.  

​I will work to inform you of the complexity of fitness, and that what you see on Tiktok, Youtube, or social media is only the tip. What’s underneath the water is far bigger than we often know, and usually where the best information is. I have a formal understanding and can take that information and through our dialogue find a way to apply the best method to what you are looking for. I want you to be able to understand what I’m doing and why I’m doing it, so you never feel lost or uneducated. This is no “blind leading the blind” situation.  

A lot of this information may be overwhelming at first glance, but it’s my mission to unearth it in a way you can understand even without formal education. I can’t wait to show you what’s underneath the surface so you can take your fitness journey to a new level. Let’s get diving. 



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